I am fortunate to work with some amazing people on the Snow books and I wanted to give readers a chance to get to know the talent behind the scenes. The Snow site also has interviews with Jeffrey Hayes, Stuart Gauffi, and Michael Gordon. Please give them a read if you haven't yet.
This time around, I put myself in the hotseat. Yep. I interviewed myself. Weird, I know.
And now, meet Bobby Nash.
1. Tell us a bit about yourself and your background. How did you get into writing?
I started out wanting to draw comic books. As a kid, that was the dream. I started writing so I would have something to draw. Eventually, the writing moved to the forefront, and I seemed to have more aptitude for it than drawing sequential art. From there, I decided to try my hand at a novel. It was horrible, but I finished it and that prompted me to write another. That became Evil Ways, my first published novel. A lot of my writing output can be traced back to Evil Ways. That book did and continues to do a lot for me.
These days, I write in different mediums. I write novels, comics, short stories, media tie-ins, full-cast audio dramas, and screenplays. I’m always trying new things, and I love writing stories. It’s a great gig.
2. Who is Abraham Snow?
Abraham Snow is a former undercover agent for a shadowy government black bag organization called Mother. In the opening chapter of his first book, Snow Falls, his cover is blown, and the bad guy shoots him twice, in the chest, leaving him for dead on a South American airstrip. Obviously, he survives. It would be a short series otherwise, huh? Now retired, Snow tries to rebuild his life, build a business for himself as a private investigator and security consultant, and find the man who shot him and put an end to his criminal organization. All why trying to keep his heart problems in check.
The Snow series is my love letter to old p.i. and detective books and shows I grew up watching. Snow’s DNA includes a bit of The Rockford Files, a dash of Magnum p.i., a hint of MacGyver, and a splash of Burn Notice, among other inspirations. I am a big fan of action and adventure, or mysteries and thrillers. Snow allows me to explore those genres, often blending them together. It’s fun.
3. What draws you to the various characters in the Snow series?
I love these characters. One of the fun parts of writing is getting to know all of these characters. They reveal themselves to me in the stories. They come to like and become real to me. Not just fictional characters. Real people. Then, I put them through hell and they thrive. There have been some wonderful surprises that come to light while these stories unfold. That’s a thrill for me. Each of them could headline their own book.
4. Why should people be reading or listening to the Snow books?
If you like a good action/thriller, then Snow might just be right up your alley. I like to think of them as good, escapist fun. You can sink into a Snow adventure and forget the real world for a short time. We could all use a break like that from time to time. As for listening, you haven’t experienced the world of Snow until you’ve heard it through the velvety tones of Stuart’s audiobooks. He brings the characters alive in ways that I love.
I’ve been fortunate to be surrounded by great talent. Plasmafire Graphics’ Jeffrey Hayes does our covers. Dennis Calero did the cover for the first arc. That’s his image on the Snow bullet as well. Stuart Gauffi performs the audios beautifully. Michael Gordon and Benjamin Ash Jr. have done great work on edits. Plus, there are so many cheerleaders of the series who love these characters as much as I do.
5. Where can people learn more about you and your work?
You can learn more about Snow at www.abrahamsnow.com
Snow is published by BEN Books. You can find them at www.ben-books.com
My website with information on all of my projects is www.bobbynash.com
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