Reposting from
Love that view. |
The writing and I are taking our show outside to enjoy this absolutely gorgeous weather today. I suspect one of the neighbors will start mowing any minute now.
There are a couple of projects on the schedule for today.
Work proceeds apace on The Wraith: Sanderson of Metro novel. Making good progress and should, hopefully, finish it this weekend and send it off to the publisher for edits.
I'm also working on a short comic book script that hasn't been officially announced yet. More news on that when I can share it.
Once Sanderson of Metro is completed, I will dive fully into SNOW DRIVE. I've already started on it and it's shaping up to be a fun mystery involving a race car team, sabotage, and there's a bounty been placed on Snow's head.
I hope the weather is good where you are too.
Have a great day.