Tom Myers takes better vacations that I do. Here he is on a cruise ship in Nassau, Bahamas along with my pal, Steve T. Fowler. Calm seas and safe travels.
It's the Sky Rangers to the rescue when Sky Pirates attack their comrades in two all-new chapters of the serialized pulpy action adventure called Lance Star and The Sky Pirates! Read Chapters 3 and 4 HERE!
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It's that time again! The latest issue of my Nash News monthly newsletter is on its way to subscribers' inboxes! Book news, cover reveals, sneak peeks at upcoming releases, appearance and interview updates, the continuing adventures of Lance Star: Sky Ranger, and so much more! Nash News is 100% FREE! Visit and sign up today. It's that easy. You also get a free copy of Snow Falls, the first book in the hit Snow series, when you sign up? As always, thank you!